Broadcast Series Explores ‘Religious Liberty’ | | Garden City News

Broadcast Series Explores ‘Religious Liberty’ | | Garden City News.

Joining Dr. Scott for this look at humanity’s pursuit of religious liberty in America and around the world, are guests: Dr. Hussein Rashid, Associate Editor, Religious Dispatches; The Reverend Lynn Sullivan, Associate Minister, Garden City Community Church; Dr. Richard Dina, Senior Consultant, Adelphi University’s Center for Nonprofit Leadership; and Rabbi Dr. Barry Dov Schwartz, Chaplain, Nassau County Police Department, Mercy Medical Center and Adelphi University.

2012-2013 AMCLI Fellow

Proud to announce that I am part of Cohort V of American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute. 

Current Fellows | Center for Religion & Civic Culture.

The American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute (AMCLI) develops and trains American Muslim leaders who are committed to civic engagement. AMCLI strives to empower these pioneering leaders to realize their full potential, and in doing so, have a more effective and sustained impact on the issues affecting their communities, and America at large. Our nation is stronger when all citizens participate in shaping our democracy.

Annual McGinley Lecture to Address Life After Death

Annual McGinley Lecture to Address Life After Death.

Patrick J Ryan, S.J., the Lawrence J. McGinley Professor of Religion and Society, will deliver the annual fall McGinley lecture, “Life After Death, Hopes and Fears for Jews, Christians and Muslims.” 

Father Ryan, who has dedicated his work to facilitating a trialogue between the three Abrahamic religions, will deliver the lecture twice:

Tuesday, Nov. 13 
6 p.m.

12th-floor Lounge
Lowenstein Center, Lincoln Center Campus 

And again on 

Wednesday, Nov. 14

6 p.m.

Flom Auditorium
William D. Walsh Family Library, Rose Hill Campus

Joining Father Ryan on both nights will be respondents Claudia Setzer, Ph.D., professor of religious studies at Manhattan College, and Hussein Rashid, Ph.D., adjunct assistant professor of religion at Hofstra University.



The Institute of Ismaili Studies – North American Alumni Meet in Chicago

The Institute of Ismaili Studies – North American Alumni Meet in Chicago.

Dr. Hussein Rashid led two sessions: one entitled “Faith and the Language of Social Change” and the other entitled “Can We Be Religiously Authentic? Case Studies in Politics and Culture.” Focusing on contemporary debates in North America, Dr. Rashid explored how social policy discussions can be approached from a perspective grounded in the ethical principles of Islam.

Groups produce guide on U.S. Muslims | First Amendment Center – news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition

Groups produce guide on U.S. Muslims | First Amendment Center – news, commentary, analysis on free speech, press, religion, assembly, petition.

The new document, What is the Truth about American Muslims? Questions and Answers, is an attempt by the organizations to provide accurate information and delve into the law of religious freedom, the history of American Muslims in the United States, and misunderstood terms and practices, including Shariah. 

Hussein Rashid, Hofstra University adjunct professor and Religion Dispatches associate editor, and Rev. Richard Cizik, president of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, will join Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, president of Interfaith Alliance, and Charles C. Haynes, director of the Religious Freedom Education Project, to discuss the guide and the state of religious freedom in the United States.