Pol: NYPD Muslim Surveillance is ‘Un-American’ | Long Island Press

Pol: NYPD Muslim Surveillance is ‘Un-American’ | Long Island Press.

The sweeping surveillance of local Muslims is un-American, unconstitutional and spawns an atmosphere of mistrust, undermining the efforts of law enforcement conducting clandestine investigations of Muslim Americans in the New York metropolitan area. 

These criticisms of the New York Police Department’s surveillance of Muslim Americans from New York City to Long Island were made by New York State Sen. Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) and Dr. Hussein Rashid, a professor of religion at Hofstra University during the college’s 11th annual “Day of Dialogue” event Wednesday.

Dr.Hussein Rashid on New Revelations of NYPD Spying by megant-hmwc on SoundCloud – Hear the world’s sounds

Dr.Hussein Rashid on New Revelations of NYPD Spying by megant-hmwc

Dr.Rashid, Professor of Religion at Hofstra University and Associate Editor of Religion Dispatches joined Hofstra’s Morning Wake-Up Call on WRHU Friday, August 30,2013 to respond to new AP reports that the NYPD labeled entire mosques “terrorism enterprises” in order to justify surveillance.

Wednesday’s Religion News Roundup: Ramadan ending * Holy warrior * Biblical dinosaurs | Religion News Service

Wednesday’s Religion News Roundup: Ramadan ending * Holy warrior * Biblical dinosaurs | Religion News Service.

Hussein Rashid, a professor at Hofstra University, disses those who say a Ramadan observance called Laylat ul-Qadr, which translates as the “Night of Power” or the “Night of Destiny,” may be the reason for the closure of U.S. embassies in Africa and the Middle East.

An American Muslim University | The Revealer

An American Muslim University | The Revealer.

I first met Scott Korb in the summer of 2010. It was at a time in New York when the Islamophobia Industry was holding a fundraising drive by saying that building houses of worship and praying was un-American; saying they were vultures retraumatizing the city for their own personal gain and amusement would be too charitable. I was doing a lot of press at that time around Park51, and I get an email from Korb. He wants to do a piece on American Muslims. I am wary. There are all sorts of media instapundits emerging around Islam, and news reporters inserting themselves into that role; or worse, because Korb indicates he’s writing a longer piece, I fear he may be a cultural tourist, picking and choosing what he likes to create his vision of an American Islam.