Talkback Series on Japanese Internment During WWII to Follow HOLD THESE TRUTHS at Sheen Center

Talkback Series on Japanese Internment During WWII to Follow HOLD THESE TRUTHS at Sheen Center.

Following select performances of Jeanne Sakata’s Hold These Truths, directed by Lisa Rothe and starring Joel de la Fuente (Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle), Hang a Tale Theater Company will welcome a diverse panel of guests to discuss the history of forced Japanese internment during WWII and the parallels to our current time, when Muslims and other minorities are again fighting to preserve their civil liberties. 

Panelists will include Julie Azuma (President of “Different Roads to Learning”), Albert Fox Cahn Esq. (Legal Director of The Council on American-Islamic Relations, New York), Allison Hi (member of the Day of Remembrance Committee), David Okada (co-chair of the Japanese American Citizen’s League), Hussein Rashid, PhD (academic, speaker, educator, and founder of islamicate L3C) and playwright Jeanne Sakata (actor of film, television, and theater, and the writer of Hold These Truths). Other panelists may be added at a later date.

Allah Akbar, i musulmani newyorkesi e le parole rubate – Repubblica Tv – la Repubblica.it

Allah Akbar, i musulmani newyorkesi e le parole rubate – Repubblica Tv – la Repubblica.it.

A una settimana esatta dall’attentato di Tribeca un viaggio tra i discorsi e i volti dell’Islam di New York. C’è la sensazione di essere stati defraudati delle due parole considerate in assoluto più preziose: Allah Akbar. Hussein Rashid, è un professore di religione della Columbia University. Mehmet Özalp, imam in Turchia è volontario presso una moschea di Brooklyn. Yousra Alshanqiti, giovane avvocatessa in Arabia Saudita è una dottoranda in diritto dell’immigrazione qui negli Stati Uniti. Hussein e Abdullah, sono due venditori ambulanti originari rispettivamente del Bangladesh e dell’Egitto. Ecco che cosa significa per loro Allah Akbar.

A Qawwalified Home: Spirituality, Resistance, and American Muslims – Williams College

A Qawwalified Home: Spirituality, Resistance, and American Muslims – Williams College.

Bruce Springsteen makes Pakistani music? Despite the long presence of Muslims in America, Islamophobia is on the rise. Like many other communities, Muslims turn to their faith to help craft a response, and the results enrich American culture. Come here how qawwali, a Muslim devotional music from South Asia, is now an American music.

Speaking Event: al-Ghazali Lecture: The Uncanny Muslim: Real and Imagined in America

The al-Ghazali Lecture

Hussein Rashid is the founder of islamicate, L3C, a consultancy focusing on religious literacy and cultural competency. His work includes exploring theology, the interaction between culture and religion, and the role of the arts in conflict mediation. To share his research on Muslims and American popular culture, he writes and speaks about music, comics, movies and the blogistan. He currently is a fellow with the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute, and also is working with the Children’s Museum of Manhattan as a content expert for their “America to Zanzibar” exhibit.

Panel: Comics and Islam, Boston, Oct. 21

Comics and Islam

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Saturday, October 21, 2017

Muslim identity and practices are featured more comics than ever, from mainstream titles like Ms. Marvelto independent graphic memoirs. This panel takes stock of this important growing field — including the brand-new book Muslim Superheroes: Comics, Islam, and Representation — and presents the perspectives of both academics and creators.


Hussein Rashid – Religion Professor, Barnard College; Contributor, Muslim Superheroes
A. David Lewis – Faculty Associate, MCPHS; Co-Editor, Muslim Superheroes
Sara Alfageeh – Illustrator, Co-Director, BOY/BYE series MIPSTERZ project

Cold stones – The Immanent Frame

Cold stones – The Immanent Frame.

When I first received the invitation to contribute to “Is This All There Is,” I thought immediately of the great speculative fiction author Douglas Adams. The question called to mind the title of his novel So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. An open question about endings demanded an equally amorphous valediction. My goal was to write a series of seemingly unconnected vignettes, which would ultimately connect to a point and work in the number “42.” Inspired by recent resignation letters from the executive branch of the US government, which used the initial letters of paragraphs to spell out the words “RESIST,” and “IMPEACH,” I thought it might be fun to do something like “SKYWALKER,” “CYCLOPS,” or “MS. MARVEL.” Unfortunately, I realized quickly that I lacked the fortitude and creativity to do something like that. However, in keeping with the spirit of Adams, there is a secret message embedded within the text, but the cryptographic key has yet to be determined.

I’m on a NY Comic Con Panel!

Writing God(s): The Creation of Modern Mythologies and Post-Modern Theologies in Comics – Event Search (For Guest Page) – New York Comic Con – October 5 – 8, 2017 – Javits Center.

Superheroes are Gods. We read stories of their glory and revel. We bear witness to their losses and mourn. We viciously defend the sanctity of their character against any who would misrepresent them. We attend gatherings with the fellow devoted. We pore over every word that has been written about them so that we may preserve an accurate account of our shared history. We look to their examples for guidance on living better lives.