Event: Addressing the anti-CRT Movement
Addressing the anti-CRT Movement
What is the anti-CRT (Critical Race Theory) movement and what does it have to do with faith communities? Is teaching about religious and racial diversity now banned?
Join Shoulder to Shoulder for a presentation and panel discussionfeaturing Harman Singh from The Sikh Coalition, Taneeza Islam from South Dakota Voices for Peace, and Hussein Rashid representing the Interfaith Center of New York on Thursday, September 22 at 1pm ET to learn more about what CRT is and isn’t and what we can do to create communities where all people, regardless of their faith, culture, or background are treated fairly, respectfully, and with dignity.
Critical Race Theory understands that experiences of racism are both individual and personal as well as political and social. Legal scholars, activists, and lawyers established this theory upon realizing that many of the advancements during the civil rights movement had come to a stop and that some gains were even being reversed. Anti-CRT activists spread disinformation about what is and is not being taught in schools to shut down any conversation about our country’s racial and religious diversity, or the experiences of marginalized communities. The impact of the anti-CRT movement is that teachers and school officials are afraid to teach anything for fear it will be labeled divisive or CRT. Some school officials are receiving death threats and advocacy work to have the school calendar reflect the community’s religious and cultural diversity have been frozen.
The Sikh Coalition, South Dakota Voices for Peace, and the Interfaith Center of New York are among a broader community of organizations who have been working for years to improve teachers' access and ability to teach about our religious diversity, abiding by legal requirements and restrictions. Now they have run into significant and in some ways renewed energy with anti-CRT activists pushing for control over school curriculum. We will discuss how are they understanding the movement, strategizing engagement, and thinking creatively. We’ll also explore the roles of local educators, faith communities, and families in continuing to create more inclusive and diverse learning environments.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/addressing-the-anti-crt-movement-a-panel-discussion-tickets-411495864207