
Music for Introducing Islam

I often give talks along the theme of introducing Islam for non-Muslims. I have a great deal of fun at these events because they are usually full of interesting, intelligent people looking to learn. My basic approach follows from the belief that “Islam doesn’t speak, Muslims do.” I try to emphasize the living traditions of Muslims. I’ve had my greatest success with music, and invariably I am asked for a list of the music I used. Below is the basic play list I rely on, with occasional additions depending on the audience and focus of my talk. Where possible, I have tried to link to the source on Amazon, otherwise you should be able to get the music on the iTunes music store.

  1. Adhan. Radio and Television Orchestra of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bismillah: Highlights from the Fes Festival
  2. Surah al-Fatihah. Yusuf Islam. A is for Allah.
  3. Recitation of Verses from the Qur’an. Various. Voices and Lutes: Music in the World of Islam.
  4. Rakan Selawat. Raihan. Puji-Pujian.
  5. Bismillah. Turkish Sufi. Ocean of Remembrance.
  6. Dhamal Qalandar. Sindhi Music Ensemble. Sufi Music from Sindh.
  7. Mahdiyu Laye. Youssou N’Dour. Egypt.
  8. Tala’a Al Badru Alayna. Yusuf Islam. Life of the Last Prophet.
  9. Sultan of Madina. Aashiq al-Rasul. Sultan of Medina.

Quoted: HuffPo on Political Islam

Is Political Islam a Threat to the West?

As Hussein Rashid, a PhD candidate in Harvard University’s Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, remarked, “One thing to keep in mind is that ‘Islam doesn’t speak, Muslims do.’ It is Muslims who define what Islam says and does, within broad parameters. The new generation is engaged, informed, and articulate. It scares the Islamists, because [the new generation] won’t fall for the ideologues.”