Media Appearances

Hussein Rashid answers 5 questions from the We Are Human… | PACH

Hussein Rashid answers 5 questions from the We Are Human… | PACH.

This month, we chose Hussein Rashid as our featured PACH member. Hussein Rashid is founder of islamicate, L3C, a consultancy focusing on religious literacy and cultural competency. He works with a variety of NGOs, foundations, non-profits, and governmental agencies for content expertise on religion broadly, with a specialization on Islam. Learn more about Hussein and read his responses to PACH’s We Are Human questions below.

Enforced disappearance: Why a whole community is going missing – Home – Herald

Enforced disappearance: Why a whole community is going missing – Home – Herald.

Gatherings such as the one at Baitul Huda are common for Ahmadi communities living in various parts of the United States. According to Professor Hussein Rashid of the department of religion at Columbia University, they are more a manifestation of a shared insecurity than of anything else. “Staying together does not tell anything about the community except the fact that they are a minority, and a besieged minority,” he says. “This is often the case with immigrant groups and those who are persecuted in their home countries that they tend to stay within themselves.”

A Discussion with Professor Hussein Rashid | the.Ismaili

A Discussion with Professor Hussein Rashid | the.Ismaili.

We are always judging ourselves by material attributes, material aspects. Instead of saying what is this person like as a human being, as a person? How can I better myself by being in contact with this person? I think that's what materialism does, is it keeps us from God, it keeps us from ourselves, and it keeps us from making a human connection. Basically, what we do is, we willingly turn ourselves into nothing more than an object, by denying our divine connection in our very own humanity.

Islam scholar Bernard Lewis left unfair legacy of disdain for Muslims – Religion News ServiceReligion News Service

Islam scholar Bernard Lewis left unfair legacy of disdain for Muslims – Religion News ServiceReligion News Service.

Lewis’ transformation from scholar to neo-imperialist was not sudden, but there is a hint to be found in “The Assassins.” Originally published in 1967, it is an erudite work that sought to correct the record on the Nizari Isma’ilis, a Shiite Muslim community that had long been maligned as consumers of hashish, known in Arabic as “hashashin,” which transformed into the word “assassin.” The book fascinated me because it was a scholarly book at a time when scholarship was rarely applied to such topics.
Yet despite Lewis’ knowledge, he still chose the pejorative name for the Nizari Isma’ilis for the title of his book, suggesting he did not see the humanity of the people he studied; they were still objects to him.

Break This Down: Q & A with Hussein Rashid on Pop Culture, Ramadan, and Islam’s Diversity | Barnard College

Break This Down: Q & A with Hussein Rashid on Pop Culture, Ramadan, and Islam’s Diversity | Barnard College.

In Muslim traditions, you have heroes who are super not because of an innate position but through relationship with God. By developing spiritual wisdom and maturity, the hero is granted superpowers by the Divine. So in writing my article, the hyphen in “super-hero” shows that the person may always be a hero, but is not always super. That super quality is a gift granted by God, which may be earned but is not a permanent condition.

American Islamophobia Is Helping Trump Kill The Iran Deal | HuffPost

American Islamophobia Is Helping Trump Kill The Iran Deal | HuffPost.

The U.S. response to Iran’s recent economic protests, and President Donald Trump’s decertification of the Iran nuclear deal, show us how little we understand Muslims. That ignorance, and our failure to see Muslim nations as rich, diverse cultures peopled by, well, people, tears at America’s social fabric, and weakens the U.S. as an international actor.

Allah Akbar, i musulmani newyorkesi e le parole rubate – Repubblica Tv – la

Allah Akbar, i musulmani newyorkesi e le parole rubate – Repubblica Tv – la

A una settimana esatta dall’attentato di Tribeca un viaggio tra i discorsi e i volti dell’Islam di New York. C’è la sensazione di essere stati defraudati delle due parole considerate in assoluto più preziose: Allah Akbar. Hussein Rashid, è un professore di religione della Columbia University. Mehmet Özalp, imam in Turchia è volontario presso una moschea di Brooklyn. Yousra Alshanqiti, giovane avvocatessa in Arabia Saudita è una dottoranda in diritto dell’immigrazione qui negli Stati Uniti. Hussein e Abdullah, sono due venditori ambulanti originari rispettivamente del Bangladesh e dell’Egitto. Ecco che cosa significa per loro Allah Akbar.