November 2011

My Endorsement of Love, Inshallah

Reviews « Love, InshAllah.

Love Inshallah is unbelievable in its audacity. Not all of our authors find love, and God and God’s Will are just as often felt by their absence as by their presence. The brutal honesty that these women portray is refreshing and frightening. Nearly every story reveals another aspect of the human condition, and makes you appreciate that even among people who share the same faith, love can mean something very different.

Pre-order Love, InshAllah

Islam meets reality TV – Guest Voices – The Washington Post

Islam meets reality TV – Guest Voices – The Washington Post.

I think the most important aspect of the show is the great diversity of opinion that will be on display. There are questions of clothing, and not just the hijab, which does generate very rich conversations, but just what is appropriate and modest on a daily basis. There are many independent business women on the show, and we are privy to the conversations as to what limits Arab culture imposes compared to religious mandates. One of the most powerful moments, and I think one that will resonate, is how a couple navigates the fact that reproductive technology has outpaced ethical thinking, whether religious or otherwise. The very deep question of the role and presence of God in a believer’s life is on full display.



Join the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, the British Council’s Our Shared Future Project, and the Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Transatlantic Relations for a panel discussion on the impact of 9/11 on Britain, Europe, and the United States. 

H.A. Hellyer, Senior Analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center and ISPU Fellow, will discuss his latest ISPU policy brief, “Across the Atlantic: Islam, Europe, and the Repercussions of the Attacks” with Jocelyne Cesari Director of the Islam in the West Program, Harvard and JHU University, and Hussein Rashid of Hofstra University. Their discussion of the societal impact of 9/11 will cover Islamophobia, radicalization, and other issues. Sharon Memis, Director of the British Council in the USA, will moderate what is sure to be an engaging and lively discussion.  

We hope you will be able to join us for an informative discussion.  

Event Details: 

November 16th, 2011 at 10:30am-12:00pm 

Registration begins at 10:00 am 

Kenney Auditorium 

Johns Hopkins University 

1740 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC, DC 20036