Mar. 26 Speaking Event

Building Bridges | A Christian-Muslim Interfaith Dialogue | The Church of Saint Luke in the Fields.

With recent political decisions to attempt to ban Muslims and refugees from entering this nation for a better life or even for safety, what is our role in responding as people of faith? As a nation founded upon principles of religious freedom and enshrined in our Constitution, what are the duties of a Christian majority in defending the freedom of religious minorities? Fear is a highly controlling force that plays a major role in the narrative around Muslims – and a lack of common understanding about Islam as a religion often fuels the fire of fear.

A top White House aide was asked if Trump thought Islam was a religion. He refused to answer. – Vox

A top White House aide was asked if Trump thought Islam was a religion. He refused to answer. – Vox.

Questioning whether Islam is a religion is not, in and of itself, a new idea. Dr. Hussein Rashid, a professor of religion at Barnard College, told me that it was a dynamic that began in Europe and has a “centuries-long pedigree.” “We are seeing a particularly American manifestation of it now,” he added. He continued, “This administration is playing into all of these themes very clearly: They are trying to say that Muslims are not human and that they are not American.”

What Muslims Need from Christians | Sojourners

What Muslims Need from Christians | Sojourners.

Those same voices who engage in this idle worship now hold the reins of power in the U.S. government. And they seek to exterminate Muslims. There are concerns of a Muslim registry and internment camps. More extreme fears consider other types of camps, imagining a return of the Holocaust. These fears are not unfounded, nor are they out of character with what President Trump’s advisers and appointees have said.

Dehumanizing The Humanities – When Social Justice Becomes Injustice (Hussein Rashid) | Political Theology Today

Dehumanizing The Humanities – When Social Justice Becomes Injustice (Hussein Rashid) | Political Theology Today.

As time went on, I realized how disastrous the job market was for academics in the humanities. Ultimately, I decided to become academia adjacent and focus on my own consultancy. I would teach as an adjunct, but in the earliest incarnation of the term, someone who did the work in addition to a career.