
How to Celebrate Eid al-Adha Like an American – The New York Times

How to Celebrate Eid al-Adha Like an American – The New York Times.

“Our obligations as American Muslims have not changed, they have just become more difficult,” acknowledges Hussein Rashid, a scholar of Islamic studies. He still believes Muslims should rise above hate and try to be the best version of themselves, not for the sake of appearing moderate, but to uphold and mirror their honorable religious values.

The Takeaway – Responses to Orlando

Muslim Americans Respond to Orlando Mass Shooting – The Takeaway – WNYC.

Shortly after the attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Muhammad Musri, president and senior imam of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, held a press conference to offer the support of the Muslim community. He also cautioned the media and Americans around the country from rushing to judgment. 

But in this tense political environment, have American Muslims also become victims of such tragedies? For answers, we turn to Hussein Rashid, a professor of religion at Hofstra University. Click on the 'Listen' button above to hear our full conversation. 

Speaking at Temple Emanu-El

Emanu-El | Calendar.

All temple members and their guests are invited to join us for an evening celebrating our commitment to our friends in the Muslim American community. First, Muslim scholar and educator Dr. Hussein Rashid will address the congregation at Sabbath services about his experience of being Muslim in America. Then, at 8 PM in I.M. Wise Hall, we will host a festive Iftar, the break-fast meal during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (Please note: The Iftar begins later in the evening because break-fast occurs after sundown. Programming to be held after services and before the Iftar will be announced soon.)

Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #ttQuran #Ramadan 2016/1437

Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur’an in its entirety over this time, in a section a day. The Qur’an is split into thirty sections, called juz’, and one section is read each night. 

This year is the 8th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. I will be tweeting @islamoyankee.


To see how the call has (not) evolved, here are the six call outs:

2009 Windsor Star Article

2010 (despite the title, which says 2011)

2011 USA Today Article


2013 Storify (including press stories)

2014 A piece I did on Immanent Frame


The Background [from the 2009 post]

This year, I have been thinking it would be fun to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. Coincidentally, Shavuot came, and several people I follow on Twitter tweeted the Torah. Since that experience seemed to be successful, it further cemented my belief that this would be a good idea.

I remain grateful to Aziz Poonawala (@azizhp), who helps me refine our guidelines and provide technical feedback every year.

Our guidelines from last year:

  1. Anyone is welcome. You do not have to be Muslim.
  2. The point is to provide greater access to the Qur’an, so please tweet in English, regardless of the language you read in. Multiple language tweets are welcome.
  3. You should tweet verses that appeal to you each night, not the entire juz’. Some of you may wish to do the whole juz’, but the idea is that we find comfort in the word of God, and we approach it and understand differently every time we come to it. Each night, there are certain verses that will have more power/resonance. Simply tweet those.
  4. Include chapter and verse numbers using “Arabic” numerals, eg. 1:1, 33:72, etc.
  5. Some verses may be too long for 140 characters. Split the tweet. Summarize. As you will, but make sure you make it clear what you are doing, and include the verse number.
  6. You should feel free to offer commentary on why you chose that verse. If you know some tafsir, please include as well, if relevant.
  7. Tags: please include #ttQuran .
  8. You do not need to commit to reading/Tweeting every night. However, when you do Tweet, please make sure you are on the same juz as everyone else.

If there are are other guidelines you believe should be included, please leave them in comments and I’ll move up some to the main post.

This year, I plan on using the new translation of the Qur’an called The Study Qur’an


Children’s Museum of Manhattan – America to Zanzibar – POLITICO

DE BLASIO press shake-up — CUOMO bans insider lobbyist — REDSTONE saga – POLITICO.

NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito, NYC Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, NYC Council Members I. Daneek Miller and Helen Rosenthal toured the America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan earlier this week with the museum’s executive director Andy Ackerman, the museum’s honorary board chair Laurie M. Tisch, museum board member Judith Hannan, the exhibit’s academic advisor Hussein Rashid and others. America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far is a groundbreaking new interactive exhibit for children and families that explores the diversity of Muslim cultures in New York City, the U.S. and abroad. The exhibit showcases the cultural expressions of various Muslim communities around the world through age-appropriate experiences with art, architecture, travel, trade, design and more.

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren’t we hearing them? | America Magazine

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren't we hearing them? | America Magazine.

Dr. Hussein Rashid, a Muslim American who teaches religious studies and consults on religious literacy, has also experienced a form of selective inattention even when the message is constructive. After the bombing attempt in Times Square in 2010, Dr. Rashid—who was born and raised in New York—and two Muslim colleagues were on every major network and cable TV outlet all day condemning the action. That night he gave a talk to 200 people and asked how many had seen the coverage. “Of the 190 people who claimed to be watching TV that day, how many of them remembered seeing us? Zero,” he said. “The narrative had already been set.”