UN Press Conference on Muslim Leadership

Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow

Recalling the 2006 Copenhagen conference, Mr. Rashid noted the diversity of the participants: “You had various Sunni Muslims, various Shia Muslims — progressive, conservative, liberal, reactionary, if you will — but all coming together at the same table to talk about how we can make the world a better place. And I am really looking forward to continuing those conversations at this conference now.”

Quoted: LoHud Journal News: Hussein is not a Slur

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Hussein Rashid, a Harvard University doctoral student who is from New York, joked that he should take Obama as his middle name.

“I’m old enough to have been through both Gulf wars, growing up with the name Hussein,” he said. “If people are saying ‘Barack Hussein Obama,’ it takes it away from Saddam Hussein. And you know what, overall it’s a positive thing.

“People did mean it as a slur, but we saw after the election that most of this country didn’t see it that way,” he said. “At least my name is not associated with this horrible Iraqi dictator but with our new president- elect.”