Word of Pod Podcast
Got to do a little introduction to my art, the value of communication, and integrity, on the Word of Pod podcast.
Got to do a little introduction to my art, the value of communication, and integrity, on the Word of Pod podcast.
I'll be speaking on a panel for Values and Voices.
American Values, Religious Voices: 100 Days, 100 Letters is a national nonpartisan campaign bringing together scholars of diverse faiths to speak to our leaders in Washington, DC and a wider interfaith following about the religious texts and teachings connected to our American values and the pressing issues our day. Gain insight from these religious thought leaders who provide hope and unity during a time of hardship and division and challenge us to live up to our nation's highest ideals.
The event is free, but does require registration here.
I'm pleased to be writing for Values and Voices again. My letter for this year is Letter 7. My previous letter can be found here. I return to the letter of Imam Ali (as) to Malik al-Ashtar.
In the seventh century, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, successor to the Prophet Muhammad’s religious and political authority, wrote a letter about good governance. This letter is recognized through history as a model for good leadership. Although it is grounded in a Muslim ethical worldview, it is broadly applicable in practice. One of the points of the letter that I would like to bring to your attention is this line: “A nation in which the rights of the weak are not wrested in an uninhibited manner from the strong will never be blessed.”
In their co-edited volume, Ms. Marvel’s America: No Normal (University Press of Mississippi, 2020), Jessica Baldanzi and Hussein Rashid focus on the superhero Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan. The first Muslim superhero to headline her own series, the teenager Kamala Khan is also a second-generation Pakistani immigrant who lives in New Jersey. Her complex identities and storyline in the comic world of Marvel welcomes a multifaceted exploration, one that exists at the nexus of religion, gender, culture, race, and much more. By bringing together scholars from a range of disciplines including literature, cultural studies, religious studies, pedagogy, and communications, the edited volume engages in a fascinating conversation around the character of Ms. Marvel. The book contains accessibly written essays from and about diverse voices on an array of topics, such as fashion, immigration, history, race, and fandom. The volume also includes an exclusive interview with Ms. Marvel author and cocreator G. Willow Wilson by gender studies scholar Dr. Shabana Mir. This text is a fantastic classroom resource that can work in numerous courses on Islam, such as those that focus gender or American Islam to broad courses on religion, such as religion and popular culture. The text is also useful text for educators, such as those in primary and secondary school, who may want to incorporate Ms. Marvel in their own curriculum.
The good folks of Mipsterz have a new project on Muslim Futurism, and I'm an advisor. Check it out and support us.
Exploring Omar Discussion Series | Spoleto Festival USA 2020.
Omar Ibn Said definitively arrived on the shores of Charleston as a Muslim. And while we know he was a forced member of a Christian family and belonged to a Presbyterian church at the time of his death, can we say for sure he departed this life as a Christian? This conversation examines the latter end of Ibn Said’s life and discusses how religion has, throughout U.S. history, drawn people to resist or remain resilient in the context of social justice. Hussein Rashid, a professor at The New School in New York City, whose research focuses on Muslims and American popular culture, serves as moderator.
“Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class” on Vimeo.
AVACGIS Guest Lecture Series with Hussein Rashid, on "Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class", moderated by Jennifer Victor (George Mason University) | November 10, 2020: islamicstudiescenter.gmu.edu/events/11587
"Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class" from Ali Vural Ak Center for Global I on Vimeo.
AVACGIS Guest Lecture Series with Hussein Rashid, on "Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class", moderated by Jennifer Victor (George Mason University) | November 10, 2020:
If you would like to be informed about the Center programs, please subscribe to the AVACGIS mailing list at the following link:
Islamic Studies Center | Events: Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class.
Historically, the United States has defined itself in opposition to groups and ideas, from monarchies to poor people. The 2020 election has strong historical echoes with how the country defined itself at its founding, against Muslims and against Blackness. This talk will trace those echoes, and explore how Muslims are not immune to the racial dynamics of the country.
Muslims in the Movies — Kristian Petersen | Harvard University Press.
Muslims in the Movies provides a series of essays that explore the portrayal and reception of Muslims in Euro-American film, transnational productions, and global national cinemas. The volume brings together a group of internationally recognized experts to introduce Muslims in the films of Europe, North America, Australia, Iran, Egypt, North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The interdisciplinary collection explores issues of identity, cultural production, and representation through the depiction of Muslims on screen and how audiences respond to these images. Together, the essays operate as an introduction to the subject of Muslims and film for new readers while also serving as new works of critical analysis for scholars of cinema.
Muslim Narrative Change Cohort – PIllars Fund.
A group of brilliant Muslim artists, practitioners, academics, and thinkers who, together, are creating a transformative narrative strategy that will offer us the opportunity to change stories, ideas, behaviors and, ultimately, society.