Media Appearances

Children’s Museum of Manhattan – America to Zanzibar – POLITICO

DE BLASIO press shake-up — CUOMO bans insider lobbyist — REDSTONE saga – POLITICO.

NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito, NYC Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, NYC Council Members I. Daneek Miller and Helen Rosenthal toured the America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan earlier this week with the museum’s executive director Andy Ackerman, the museum’s honorary board chair Laurie M. Tisch, museum board member Judith Hannan, the exhibit’s academic advisor Hussein Rashid and others. America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far is a groundbreaking new interactive exhibit for children and families that explores the diversity of Muslim cultures in New York City, the U.S. and abroad. The exhibit showcases the cultural expressions of various Muslim communities around the world through age-appropriate experiences with art, architecture, travel, trade, design and more.

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren’t we hearing them? | America Magazine

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren't we hearing them? | America Magazine.

Dr. Hussein Rashid, a Muslim American who teaches religious studies and consults on religious literacy, has also experienced a form of selective inattention even when the message is constructive. After the bombing attempt in Times Square in 2010, Dr. Rashid—who was born and raised in New York—and two Muslim colleagues were on every major network and cable TV outlet all day condemning the action. That night he gave a talk to 200 people and asked how many had seen the coverage. “Of the 190 people who claimed to be watching TV that day, how many of them remembered seeing us? Zero,” he said. “The narrative had already been set.”

#LoveRally on April 10, 2016

I’ll be speaking at a rally to counter the hate emerging out of this year’s Presidential Election Cycle. Please join if you can on Sunday, April 30, 2016 at 2PM in New York City, by New York University.

The official letter about the program is here.

Dear Friends:

As the co-founder of the Project for the Advancement of Our Common Humanity (PACH;, I am writing to let you know that PACH and 20 other NYC organizations are having a love rally in Washington Square Park on April 10th from 2-4. Please join us! We have over 35 world leaders, activists, interfaith leaders, youth groups, a gospel choir, musical groups, spoken word poets, and many others joining us to celebrate love for our common humanity. The rally is in response to the radical hate that is consuming our political conversations and our daily lives. We want to show the world, as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing, that there is another way to respond to hate and violence than simply more hate and violence. Join us as we come together as a community of New Yorkers to fight radical hate with radical love.

Here is a link for a promo video by Sweet Honey in the Rock for the Rally. Carol Maillard, from Sweet Honey in the Rock, will be welcoming the crowd and their songs, recorded for the Love Rally, will be aired on the video screen. Below are the links for our facebook page, articles about why we are having the rally, and attached is the press release and the flyer for the event.

Facebook Event:

Facebook Page:

Huffington Post Article on why we are having the rally:

Steindhardt Page from February

Hope to see you there!


p.s. We had originally scheduled this for February 14th but it was postponed due to freezing weather.



Love rally flyer

Terrorism in Europe Triggers Debate Over Surveillance of U.S. Muslims – NY City Lens

Terrorism in Europe Triggers Debate Over Surveillance of U.S. Muslims – NY City Lens.

Meanwhile, Hussein Rashid, a research fellow from the Truman National Security Project, a non-profit that works towards principled solutions for global challenges like terrorism, applauded the commissioner’s statement that underlines that Muslims are a part of New York’s diverse community. “The New York Police Department has really publically understood where they went wrong in a lot of their surveillances, [and] really spoken out against people who want to replicate this at a national level,” said Rashid.

Newsday on America to Zanzibar

Here is a Newsday article on the exhibit America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far, at The Children’s Museum of Manhattan, for which I was the lead academic advisor. It’s a good chance to shout out my friends from high school.

“Our goal is to have children deal with differences in a healthy, positive way and encourage them to be inquisitive while exploring the world instead of running away from its differences,” Rashid said, an experience not so different from his years growing up in Elmont.


Stop Islamophobia? Know that #BlackLivesMatter — Medium

Stop Islamophobia? Know that #BlackLivesMatter — Medium.

Islamophobia is yet another ongoing manifestation of our inability as a nation to recognize that Black Lives Matter. We accept that there are, in practice, gradations of being American, and as long as we can easily penalize a people based on the color of their skin, we can do so to anyone we find different than what we perceive as American.

An American Muslim’s prayer: Forget love, let’s just be civil (COMMENTARY) – The Washington Post

An American Muslim’s prayer: Forget love, let’s just be civil (COMMENTARY) – The Washington Post.

Love is a nice sentiment. Real love, though, is work. I can have love in my heart, but to love someone is to know that person. It means having compassion and empathy, and being engaged. You and the person you love have to commit to each other. 

 But I do not know you enough to love you, and I do not want to have to get to know you that well. It is too much work.

 I do appreciate the idea. I know it is coming from a good place. It just makes me carry the pressure of fixing someone else’s problem. It tires me.

McCarter Theatre

I will be a panelist after a play at Princeton.

McCarter Theatre.

Hoodwinked is a riveting exploration of Islamist extremism sparked by the 2009 mass shooting on the Army base in Fort Hood, Texas. Created by the multi-award-winning playwright, Emily Mann (McCarter Theatre Artistic Director), the play asks us: how do we make sense of the questions, confusion, and misinformation surrounding one of the most pressing issues of our time, namely global Jihadism.     

Be a part of the conversation: join us immediately following each intimately-staged presentation for moderated discussions with Emily Mann and expert panelists, who will engage with the play’s themes, debate cultural shifts in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and America; address current public policy; and answer audience questions about the crisis gripping our world.