Media Appearances

Hussein Rashid on the High Price of Islamophobia | Odyssey Networks

Hussein Rashid on the High Price of Islamophobia | Odyssey Networks.

Islamophobia is alive in America, and Hussein Rashid sees it playing out among Sikhs, often mistaken for Muslims. In the most recent example, a member of her own party mistook a Californian GOP candidate, who is Sikh, for being a Muslim. “The reality is that Islamophobia has very real consequences and more and more victims of Islamophobia and Islamophobic rhetoric tend to be non-Muslims,” Rashid said.

Broadcast Series Explores ‘Religious Liberty’ | | Garden City News

Broadcast Series Explores ‘Religious Liberty’ | | Garden City News.

Joining Dr. Scott for this look at humanity’s pursuit of religious liberty in America and around the world, are guests: Dr. Hussein Rashid, Associate Editor, Religious Dispatches; The Reverend Lynn Sullivan, Associate Minister, Garden City Community Church; Dr. Richard Dina, Senior Consultant, Adelphi University’s Center for Nonprofit Leadership; and Rabbi Dr. Barry Dov Schwartz, Chaplain, Nassau County Police Department, Mercy Medical Center and Adelphi University.

Qawwalis, Found Sounds, and Benghazi: Locating the Sacred in a New York Church | On Being

Qawwalis, Found Sounds, and Benghazi: Locating the Sacred in a New York Church | On Being.

The combination of Yoon’s voice and the electronic components helped create a bridge between the trappings of the modern and sense of spirituality as being ancient. The stories were inverted, and technology was ancient, with spirituality being modern. Perhaps that is the state of affairs we are entering. Twitter and the writing stick are both technology, and we are coming to grips with our own spiritualities now. And when I think about the prayer of the monks, with nothing but their voices, it makes me wonder if we can only understand a mediated spirituality.