CNN Op-Ed on Boston Bombings

Opinion: After 9/11, reaction to Muslim Americans more nuanced

However, whatever we learn about them does not tell us why they did what they did – only parts of who they are. It is easy, in the initial aftermath of the bombings, to make careless associations between identity and motive, similar to post 9/11 reaction.

But this time, there is a change in rhetoric of how  potential suspects are identified, particularly if they are Muslim. It is because of this change we are learning to move past paralyzing fear and maturing in how we think of what it means to be American.

Everplans Advisory Board

I recently joined the Advisory Board of startup called Everplans. From the website:

Given how important this topic is, we think end-of-life deserves the attention that people give to other important life events like marriage, birth, and career change. Even though there are resources available for many of the bits and pieces of this process, there’s nothing out there that knits it all together into a single, clear end-to-end view of what needs to get done.

Our mission is twofold: 

1. To empower you to make confident decisions about how you want to be treated at the end of your life
2. To encourage more advance planning to help you and your family avoid having to make stressful, expensive decisions under pressure

I am honored to have been asked. You can find out more about Everplans on the website, or in this interview with the founders on the Wall Street Journal. 

On the Importance of Desmond Tutu’s Templeton Prize | Odyssey Networks

Hussein Rashid on the Importance of Desmond Tutu's Templeton Prize | Odyssey Networks.

Desmond Tutu, the former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town who fought against apartheid in South Africa, was named the 2013 Templeton Prize winner Thursday. What Tutu shows is that theology is not divorced from the world, says Hussein Rashid, an associate editor at Religion Dispatches. Religion can help us understand the world and engage with modernity. "We can start exploring ways in which theology, study of religion and activism are all interrelated and interconnected in order to build healthy and more resilient communities," Rashid said. The Templeton Prize comes with a $1.7 million award, is given annually by the John Templeton Foundation.