Join Shoulder to Shoulder on Wednesday, September 20th at 2pmET for a 90-minute conversationabout the power of film as a tool to support community healing, process experiences of violence, and engage new communities in the important ongoing work of building a pluralistic and inclusive country. This conversation will feature Pardeep S. Kaleka co-director of Not in Our Town, Aber Kawas, a community organizer featured in An Act of Worship, and Dr. Hussein Rashid a professor and scholar of religion specializing in Muslims and American Popular Culture. This conversation will equip community leaders with a new and growing list of films and resources they can use in their community conversations and engagement as we explore how films can help change hearts, minds, and actions.

Please register here.

Promotional poster image for event on building community through film. The poster names the event, the speakers, and provides a link to register for the event.