January 2012

Guest on The Takeaway: Anti-Muslim Rhetoric in the 2012 Primary – The Takeaway

Anti-Muslim Rhetoric in the 2012 Primary – The Takeaway.

While political mud-slinging is de riguer in primary races, 2012 has brought several not-so-thinly-veiled anti-Muslim soundbytes from its frontrunning candidates. Last week, Newt Gingrich said that he would not support a Muslim president unless they would “commit in public to giv[ing] up Sharia.” Rick Santorum also expressed his thoughts on Islam, saying that the concept of equality “doesn’t come from Islam” or “Eastern Religions.” Instead, he said, “it comes from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

Event: JAN 22, 29 – THE SUNDAY FORUM 10 AM | Grace Church in New York City

I will be speaking on Jan. 29, 2012 at Grace Church about Christian-Muslim relations.

JAN 22, 29 – THE SUNDAY FORUM 10 AM | Grace Church in New York City.

“Christian-Muslim Engagement in Positive Terms” is a two-part series led by Dr. Lucinda Mosher, Faculty Associate in Interfaith Studies at Hartford Seminary with Dr. Hussein Rashid, Professor of Religious Studies, Hofstra University. In the first session on 1/22, Dr. Mosher will introduce attendees to her work as an activist and educator who promotes warm-hearted understanding between Muslims and Christians, and will address questions which commonly arise ­ such as the meaning of “shari ‘ah” and the difference between Sunni and Shi‘ah Islam.  In the second session on 1/29, Dr Mosher and Dr Hussein Rashid, a Muslim academic and activist who has taught at Virginia Theological Seminary and Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, will address some of the issues arising in Christian-Muslim relations.

Water as Ritual Blessing, Feb. 1, 2012 at St. John the Divine

Water Conversation

Water: Ritual Blessings

Wednesday, February 1, 7 pm

Throughout the ages, most of the great religions of the world have used water as a purifying element. The Mikveh is the ritual purifying site for Orthodox Jewish women after the menstrual period. Water is also used as part of the Jewish conversion ceremony. Christians have made baptism into one of the central sacramental rites of the Church. Muslims perform their ablutions before entering into prayer. What are the origins of water purifying rituals?

Answering these questions and yours will be:

Rev. Patrick Ryan, S.J.

Lawrence J. McGintley Professor of Religion and Society, Fordham University, NY

Dr. Hussein Rashid

Islam Professor, Hofstra University, NY

Dr. Claudia Setzer

Professor of Religion, Manhattan College, NY

Intro. to Islam Courses: Feb. 2012 at St. John the Divine

Interfaith Exploration

Introduction to Islam

Dr. Hussein Rashid

Three Thursdays: January 26, February 9, 16 7:00-9:00 p.m.

More than one million Muslims live in the greater New York area. How much do we know of their beliefs and practices? Dr. Rashid will guide us through a basic understanding of Islam as it is practiced in America and abroad. We will look at the Qur’an, Islam’s holy scriptures, and explore its relationship to the Bible of Jews and Christians. He will also help us to understand the many varieties of Islam, including Sunni, Shi’ia and Sufism. There will be ample opportunity for questions and answers, and for discussion.

Middle Collegiate Church for MLK Day 2012

Celebrating King | Middle Collegiate Church

Join us on Sunday, January 15, 2012 for a wonderful day full of justice works and joy celebrating the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Jacqui Lewis will preach a sermon called “Where Do We Go From Here?” and both our choirs will offer special music. Rabbi Jonathan Stein and Hussein Rashid will help to lead this interfaith worship celebrating our ongoing call to justice. Stay for our soul food brunch, and Adriene Thorne’s class, “Gandhi, King, and Our Faith.” The Middle Project will also sponsor a King Day workshop for btw_youth in conjunction with Chicago’s Edutainment project and the Lower East Side Girl’s Club.

Quoted on NYPD Spying

My original piece at Religion Dispatches: Muslim Boycott of Bloomberg’s Interfaith Breakfast | Religion Dispatches

‘I AM NOT A TERRORIST’ shirt at Bloomberg event (via @capitalnewyork) – YouTube

Muslims Skip NYC Mayor’s Event to Protest Spying – ABC News

Bloomberg Avoids Surveillance Controversy at Interfaith Event – WNYC

At Mayor’s Interfaith Breakfast, Some Muslim No-Shows – NYTimes.com

Interfaith Breakfast Boycott Protests NYPD’s Alleged Surveillance Of Local Muslims – NY1.com

‘I’m not a terrorist’: One man quietly protests NYPD at Bloomberg’s breakfast | Capital New York

Kelly on his department’s relationship with Muslims; a Muslim professor on his protest T-shirt | Capital New York

Muslims Skip NYC Mayor’s Event To Protest Spying – From the Wires – Salon.com

Espionnage à New York : des musulmans boycottent un déjeuner avec le maire | International | Radio-Canada.ca

AFP: Muslims boycott NY mayor event over alleged spying

Muslim Academic Wears “I’m Not A Terrorist” To Bloomberg’s Interfaith Breakfast: Gothamist

Interfaith Breakfast: Controversy with Your Coffee?