I will be speaking on Jan. 29, 2012 at Grace Church about Christian-Muslim relations.

JAN 22, 29 – THE SUNDAY FORUM 10 AM | Grace Church in New York City.

“Christian-Muslim Engagement in Positive Terms” is a two-part series led by Dr. Lucinda Mosher, Faculty Associate in Interfaith Studies at Hartford Seminary with Dr. Hussein Rashid, Professor of Religious Studies, Hofstra University. In the first session on 1/22, Dr. Mosher will introduce attendees to her work as an activist and educator who promotes warm-hearted understanding between Muslims and Christians, and will address questions which commonly arise ­ such as the meaning of “shari ‘ah” and the difference between Sunni and Shi‘ah Islam.  In the second session on 1/29, Dr Mosher and Dr Hussein Rashid, a Muslim academic and activist who has taught at Virginia Theological Seminary and Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, will address some of the issues arising in Christian-Muslim relations.